Some Worry about Feeding the “Right” Wolf yet They Are Both Part of Me and Who I Am Meant to be.

Embrace the truth in your heart because from these things you cannot part.

I don’t feed only one wolf because I know the value each one is worth.

I’m neither good nor bad neither always happy or always sad.

We all have different sides of our personality that make us who we are destined to be.

I’m a fluid being with many pages in his book and can’t be deciphered with a glance nor single look.

Though my body may be frail & weak it’s from within I speak.

I am unassuming, I am shy, but try not to prejudge this guy.

When you first see me you may immediately craft an idea of who I may be yet that’s a mistake of the highest degree.

Never judge a book by its cover as there’s always a surprise inside to discover.

Lack of Inspirational Ideas💡

When I started to craft my latest creation I sadly came to realize I lacked the needed inspiration.

It seems the ember in my heart needs a jolting spark.

My mind is clouded by uncertainty but I know what is meant to be will be.

It often feels like the words won’t come when I need them to but I know having patience will inevitably see me through.

Sometimes it feels like one’s inhibitions are simply a pain and can create unneeded strain.

Conforming is a limitation on creativity and from what I’ve seen stops you from expressing yourself eloquently.

I at times feel that I need to embrace the passion in my soul and let myself lose a little self control.

How can one be inspired if with life itself they are simply tired?

I need to open my eyes to the muses around me if I seek to change how things have come to be.

The words seem to seldom flow but when they do part of me tends to grow.

It helps the light within me come out for all to see.

Break the Chains that Bind

Break now the chains that bind as inspiration fills your mind.

Don’t let so called destiny define who you ought be.

Just release your burdens and the expectations of what others define as reality if you wish to truly be happy.

You’ll learn with time that nothing is set in stone and you are more than simply flesh & bone.

There are times when you mustn’t curb your tongue though voicing your opinions may leave some unstrung.

If truth is what you seek to find you must learn to speak your mind.

No one has the right to bind you in place and make you live life in disgrace.

You must be who you are meant to be if you wish to survive this harsh reality.

Embrace Who You Are

Be who you are not who others want you to be.

Embrace your life and your reality.

Longing for that which is out of your reach is simply unwise and is akin to how Icarus arrogantly flew through the skies.

We each have limitations that we despise and at times only see bleakness through our jaded eyes.

Sadly we are often blinded to the beauty of life due to all of our troubles and strife.

In the end it is easy for me to say these things, though I believe them to be true, but the actions are hard to follow through.

Do as I say not as I do lest my actions mislead you.

You just need to relax and let your inner light shine through.

Pride and Prejudice

You know, the question of whether being gay is a choice or not is a big debate all over the world even within the LGBTQ+ community. For instance, to my surprise I recently learned that some within the LGBTQ+ community dislike the idea of their sexuality being labeled genetic/determined at birth as they say they chose their sexuality. Now, if one were bisexual I can sort of understand this but in general the idea that one chooses their sexuality is a concept I cannot personally understand. Even those who identify as bisexual cannot control their sexual attraction but I suppose they could pretend to be completely straight better than anyone of lesbian or gay orientation ever could. Still, it’s not any of my business as to me love is love so whether determined at birth, choice, whatever as long as they are happy I am happy for them. I have never posted anything like this before for various reasons: 1) Despite the inactivity on this blog & my lack of inspiration for this blog the fact is that it was originally meant for poetry so posting other content bothers me for some silly reason, 2) I live in a area with strong religious views along with its fair share of homophobic individuals so such a blog post would not be well received by some, and 3) I am writing this in part because I myself am gay with my own personal opinions on this topic.

I am only out to an extremely small number of people at this point and I have mixed feelings about it as I don’t know why I came out to some of them as there was no logical reason to do so except perhaps a desire to unburden myself. The first person I told was my dad and while he was supportive we didn’t exactly talk about it much. Thinking back I think when I told him I was partially in denial about my sexuality. I had my first hint that I was gay around age 14 and I just ignored it for a while. I eventually couldn’t deny it completely but lied to myself saying I was bisexual for a few years even though I knew deep down it wasn’t true. I guess I just felt that being bi was easier than being gay because at least then I would have been somewhat “normal”. When I confessed my feelings regarding my sexual orientation to my dad I recall rationalizing as well as in a a way denying it using ridiculous concepts like saying maybe I was the way I was(aka gay) because it was like some kind of psychological based rebellion since guys aren’t supposed to be attracted to guys and as such maybe it was a phase. In essence I compared it to wanting what you can’t have and implying my sexual attraction to guys was because it wasn’t something I was supposed to have as a guy, a Christian, etc… My dad seemed to sort of agree that it might not be a permanent thing which is odd for various reasons. It was odd that I felt nervous being completely honest with my dad because my dad was gay and it felt odd because even being gay himself my dad seemed to hope I wasn’t. I later realized my dad’s life hadn’t been an easy one and he was most likely worried about my future if I was gay as life already wasn’t easy for me. There are some who find it easier than others but overall there’s likely a lot of turbulence ahead for anyone who identifies as anything other than straight.

My dad’s sexuality initially confused me honestly because he wasn’t obvious about it and I grew up with a mother so I thought he was straight before I knew what the word straight even meant. I ended up contradicting my dad’s terminology when he revealed he was gay and said he must be bisexual, as at my young age I couldn’t comprehend why/how he would have a child with a women if he were gay. He immediate refuted that saying he was gay and it’s not that I had a problem with him being gay rather I just couldn’t wrap my young mind around my dad having had a physical relationship with a woman if he was gay. It sounds kind of cold but my dad explained their marriage as one of convenience. I’m assuming my mother knew my dad was gay yet I never asked him and will never know. According to my dad my mother wanted help raising my half siblings and my dad wanted his own child, so he essentially said that’s why they got married. It wasn’t a bad childhood by any means and thinking back it seemed to be what one would call normal despite the reasons for their marriage which I didn’t know about till after their divorce. The main if only advice my dad ever gave me about being gay was sad not to mention bad advice. I don’t recall his exact phrasing but he inferred he thought he was gay because his first time was apparently with a guy. He didn’t give me any sordid details rather he just said to make sure my first time was with a woman. Thinking back I feel sorry for my dad as his words implied he thought having his first time be with a guy made him gay not that he technically said it in those words.

You might say well this post is sorta outing yourself man yet here is the beauty in the fact nobody has ever really paid much attention to my social media bio. What I mean is I used to have a link to this blog on social media but nobody ever noticed it. I have since removed the link and I’ve casually told some people I’ve got a blog yet nobody ever asked about looking at it. The largest inquiry I’ve ever had about this blog was someone once asked how many followers I had and laughed at the low numbers though I didn’t take it as an insult as it’s not like my blog is very interesting especially as I rarely post anything. My point is few people seem to know this blog even exists nor does anyone really care to read it, so it’s not as if anyone I know will likely read any of this anytime soon. I don’t really care what most people think about me. I used to but I have realized it’s not like I have a reputation to ruin, I don’t have many friends, I don’t really have a social life, and overall I realized if they can’t accept me as I am then I don’t want them around. I am admittedly a little worried about how the people closest to me will react as while I don’t think they’ll stone me 😂, it might not be pretty. Surprisingly pity is what I dread the most. As weird as it sounds I fear pity from fellow Christians who will read scriptures from the Bible causing them worry about my soul and I fear pity from people worried about me “magically” catching HIV as if being gay insures I’ll catch it. Of course I also dread the reactions of idiots who think I’ll give them some disease just by being around them and I dread guys thinking I have secretly wanted to molest them as obviously no gay guy could resist them 🙄. Even now while I might notice someone I think is good looking walking by, such as if I’m shopping in a store, it’s not as if my eyes track their every movement though that’s probably a defense mechanism built into my head out of fear people will find out I am gay if I pay another guy too much attention. I mean I typically glance at a nice looking guy because who wouldn’t 😂 but no more that I suppose. I have never had any sort of fantasies about people I know and I just find it ridiculous that any guy would worry about that if they found out I am gay. Honestly if any guy I know brings up some stupid idea like that if/when they find out I am gay I’m going to call them the arrogant fool they are 😂.

I personally believe being gay is genetic but I am sure there are environmental factors that could influence one’s mannerisms that might seem to imply homosexuality though it would just be stereotypical nonsense. For instance, I have always hated my voice that I’ve been told isn’t high despite people sometimes mistaking me for a women over the phone but at the same time I laugh to myself that I apparently fit one of those dumb stereotypes. Kids don’t have filters though so when a kid asks why you talk like woman it can be less humorous and more disquieting. One example of a possible environmental factor would be the fact children when growing up often learn by watching others around them and a young boy could learn to imitate some physical actions that might seem more effeminate if they grew up surrounded predominantly by women. Of course, some girls are foolishly, falsely labeled lesbians by some if they enjoy activities that are typically enjoyed more so by boys and/or dress in a boyish way. People need to realize that just because a child or an adult acts a certain way does not mean that their sexual preference is something you can infer from such actions because we are all unique. In my case some might assume I am gay due to environmental factors or nurture rather than nature in relation to my dad’s sexuality. What I mean is my dad’s orientation could cause some to come to the inaccurate conclusion that my sexual preference was a result of growing up around him considering he was gay yet as I said he did not act in any way that I could imagine would somehow turn me gay nor cause me to choose to be gay. As I said previously I didn’t even know my dad was gay until I was a teen and I had no reason to suspect otherwise. Upon reflection despite my talk in the above paragraph about being confused about his sexual orientation I don’t recall being shocked or upset when he revealed he was gay, which I would chalk up to the fact I was gay myself except I hadn’t fully realized I was at that point. It was more his relationship with my mother that had confused me as a child and how that related to his orientation.

Personality wise I take after my mom as I sadly didn’t inherit my dad’s outgoing personality, which I am aware is a personality trait that aggravates my family at times though I am who I am. Still, I inherited much from my dad regardless of whether or not you can count my sexuality as inherited 😉. For instance I have my dad’s hair color, his eye color, and oddly his desire for parenthood disorder. I call it a disorder because despite my health condition, my meager finances, and just the fact I don’t think I’d be a good parent I have irrationally thought about being a dad probably since my early 20s. I cannot marry someone like my dad did in order to have a kid as a loveless marriage isn’t something I could be happy with and my being a parent is a ridiculous notion overall. My dad had a inner strength and great people to rely on when dealing with all the issues involved in raising me which are factors I don’t have to the same extent. I couldn’t handle being a single parent and part of me fears that if I somehow had a biological child they’d inherit my genes when it comes to health. Adoption is a great option on paper but I could never give a child everything they need plus I would likely never get approved. In the end I’m more suited to being an uncle, godparent, etc… as I would likely be a pushover when i needed to be strict with my child plus I’d probably spoil them too much if I could. I am so glad my dad was such an amazing parent and was able to give me everything I needed plus some. He had a lot to deal with when it came to raising me and life was already hard for him so I am extremely lucky to have a dad like him.

Getting back to the main topic, I cannot imagine being straight because it’s simply outside my realm of experience and yet how many LBGTQ+ people have thought life would be easier if they were straight? I find it sad that at most likely a young age my dad found comfort in someone of the same sex and he believed that because of his own actions he made himself into something that many of his neighbors most likely despised. To be honest, my dad’s life would likely have been easier if he had been straight. He told me that nobody knew he was gay but I later learned he dealt with prejudice and while he never confided in me I learned his health would have been better as well if he weren’t gay. The fact he was gay clearly wasn’t known by everyone as I am certain it would have been mentioned to me when I was in school as rumors spread fast in a small town yet apparently enough people knew to make his life hard on rare occasions. For me it’s not as black and white in regards to the theoretically better life I could have if I were straight. My social life wouldn’t be any different if I were straight because I essentially have none to speak of 😂 and my lack of a social life is not related in any way to my sexual orientation rather it is simply due to my somewhat introverted, shy personality. Still, I suppose if I were straight I wouldn’t feel the need to hide part of myself because of the fear of how those around me might react or how I might be treated if it were to be discovered that I am gay. Also, there’s no denying that those within the LBGTQ+ community often have different health concerns and issues to deal with than most of those who are straight. It is also not common for most gay men nor lesbian women to have a biological child in the fashion my dad did, though it happens, so there may be many people who want a child yet don’t see it as a possibility due to their sexual orientation. For those who do want kids there are always options such as surrogates and adoption of course not that it is an easy process.

Your life is shaped by choices but do you really choose who you love? There’s more to your sexuality than just sex and people have the right to love whoever their heart leads them to. Some fall back on the Bible as evidence that being with the same sex is wrong, yet have those people ever truly read the Bible? God tells us that in the end love, compassion, and acceptance are more important than prejudice. The Bible was written a long time ago when the world’s population isn’t what it is now and when procreation was considered highly important plus humans are interpreting the words of the Bible that have been translated multiple times from their original tongue so there is no knowing how accurate we always are in our understanding of the Bible. God gave humans free will, the capacity to love, and I’ve heard many people talk about how God made each of us, so are you saying God made a mistake? Because, if God made me and others who are outside of your comfort zone regarding sexuality who are you to condemn us? Different strokes for different folks. Our differences make the world go round and this would be a boring existence if we were all the same.

I don’t really recall anyone ever calling me gay even as an insult so on one hand I don’t consider myself a liar as I have never told anyone I was straight to my recollection but I have been telling lies of omission. I also admit to trying to put on a small facade that made me appear straight when I was around some people but it has gotten old. I’ve decided that if anyone questions my sexuality I am going to tell them the truth. I’m not posting it on social media but I’m not going to lie about who I am if anyone is nosy enough to ask. If people can’t deal that’s their problem. The reactions of some may bother me but in the long run it’ll show me who’s worth being around as I have no desire to associate with anyone who cannot accept me for who I am. Maybe I’ll get the courage to outright tell people one day but at the moment I don’t see the point in bothering to do so. I’m not a kid anymore and now we’ll see what the future holds.

Now if shockingly anybody I know, especially any guys, manage to read this…get over it. It takes more than a pretty face to turn my head and I’m not exactly surrounded by male models, so trust that I am not remotely interested in you. Plus uh you are straight and being gay isn’t contagious so nada happening so just cool your testosterone down buddy. Worry about your lack of game with women before you start imagining you have any with guys. 😂

One of Those Days

Ever had a day where one tiny thing ruins it?

This week feels like one of my worst I’ve ever had for various reasons, and yes I’m whining. Even worse I’m whining over pointless, inane, nonsense of a mundane nature. I think this what they call first world problems lol. I am a spoiled millennial. I feel that I need to get this tiny frustration out because while its silly to be upset by such things I am and I’ve felt very claustrophobic lately. The little space I have feels nonexistent and is closing in on me and this is the closest I can get to screaming.

First, I had this little outing of a sort planned that was going to be relaxing. Well nothing in life can be easy and my plans got tied up in so much red tape I felt it was strangling me. Long story short I canceled the plans because once it becomes that much of a chore to have fun it has officially turned into work. This set me on the road to a bad mood… Ok, as insignificant as it was it outright put me in a bad mood because obstacles are not something I came to love growing up and at 25 the whole situation felt ridiculous.

Then I decided to take a 1 1/2 hr ride to a nearby town to simply get out of the house on my day off and maybe stop by GameStop to trade-in some games as well as grab a good bite to eat. Of course I had to be up by 8 AM, which gave me the urge to stay home which in hindsight is the choice I wish I had taken. The meal was decent and probably better than that as my negative outlook clouds the past experiences a bit. I got the urge to poke around Books-a-Million as well which led to overspending, but what’s the real price of a good book?

GameStop is the one place I should have avoided though. The trade credit while mediocre was higher than expected so with a little extra cash I snagged a Xbox One headset adapter for listening to audio, such as movies, and the Fallout 4 season pass as it’s reportedly being marked up from $30 to $60 on March 1st. Lol well I may end up paying either $60 or $90 depending my timing.

The issue is partially because I bought the Xbox headset adapter I didn’t bother mentioning the platform I wanted the season pass for and the cashier’s only comment was to ask if I owned the game rather than any mention of a system, so I made assumptions. My assumption of course being that I bought the Xbox One season pass, but that goes to show you that you should never make assumptions. I didn’t pay much attention to my receipt until I put the code in, after returning home, which of course didn’t work. It turns out I was given the PC season pass instead, which is useless to me. I first tried calling the GameStop support but after 15-20 mins the call dropped as I was on my cell. While I redialed on one phone I used another to contact the specific store I bought the code from in the faint hope they could rectify the error. I was told by the cashier on duty that they “might” be able to do something yet only in-store along with the fact he’d have to contact his manager. Considering the distance between my home & GameStop this wasn’t a viable option so I stuck with the support line. Over an hour later someone finally picked up and after 10-20 mins of checking my account they directed me to Zenimax Media support, which I had never heard of. Turns out they are the parent company of Bethesda which happily closed 30 mins before I was told to contact them. Feeling time was of the essence I filed a support ticket with Bethsoft only to be told to contact the retailer because they apparently cannot monitor codes nor generate codes which sounds ridiculous as it is their content. Since Zenimax is sort of the same company I don’t see calling them doing much good but do have plans to try.

It feels like both companies are passing the buck and that with some statements of dlc being non-refundable mentioned by many companies I assume I’ve lost my money. My only hope is the fact I haven’t used the code so they can’t claim that I am able to retain the merchandise and the fact that I want to receive the same equally priced content on a different system or that I’m essentially seeking an exchange rather than a refund, which means no one should lose money on either side.

The fact is GameStop really doesn’t care because they’ve been payed and Bethesda doubly doesn’t care because they’ll make even more money off of me if I have to buy the pass again. In the end the feeling of powerlessness and sense that I’m being ripped off put me in a foul mood. Writing this has made me feel oddly better though I wish I had avoided this whole mess. Even if I drove all the way back tomorrow I’m sure 12+ hrs would have GameStop suspicious as I don’t know if they can detect whether a code has been used. This is also assuming they would exchange the code for the correct code as the cashier didn’t seem 100% certain. I hate the idea of paying for the same thing twice but what I hate more is that I didn’t spot the mistake sooner as I feel like a fool. Before I give up I’ll definitely try GameStop support again to make certain there’s nothing they can do or will do as I’m certain they could do something.

PS. I know $30 for your average person isn’t life or death yet it feels like it set off an explosion inside that was waiting to be ignited. A bunch of tiny nuisances built up like stacks of dynamite and the GameStop fiasco lit the fuse. I could have spit bullets after I was told Bethsoft couldn’t help me, but I feel better after writing this and foolish for posting it at the same time. I don’t typically air my dirty laundry for the whole of creation to see, but I doubt many will read this.

Update 2/20/16: Zenimax Media apparently isn’t open on Saturdays which isn’t making me hopeful regarding my chances of actually receiving help so I’m trying GameStop support again.

Update 2/20/16: After about 1 1/2 hr I was randomly disconnected and sent GameStop a feedback email as I was ready to give up. Of course I quickly changed my mind so I guess after 2 hrs total I got….help. GameStop support filed a complaint and told me I could get it settled if I returned to GameStop. Thankfully I have 7 days as I can’t go any sooner than next Friday. Yay! Two Friday’s with 2 hr round trips. Well, I guess I’ll probably have a good meal and good time next Friday plus I was really irritated over the idea of purchasing the same thing twice though I wish they could have settled it by phone.

Update 2/26/16: Thankfully it was sorted out easily enough in-person, though it was a pain. Of course whining like a child isn’t much help but sometimes your inner child just bursts out.

Turning 25

I will be 25 at the moment of this post and this birthday feels different yet the same if that makes any sense. My birthdays generally pass with little fanfare, feeling a bit like any other day, but I’m more reflective this year. I guess it’s because it seems like I’m one step closer to 30 and this feels like a good time for a pre-midlife crisis.

I’m happy to be a 90s kid as I got to experience the first Power Rangers & Pokemon, saw the evolution of computers including the switch from floppy disks to CDs, and our teen social networking revolved around the nonexistent Piczo & fossilized MySpace. People born in the 2000s will miss out on the little things that us 90s kids experienced such as the annoyance of dialup, which most people today aren’t stuck with, or the “fun” of Windows 95. Still, I was never one to be excited about growing older unlike most kids though I never dreaded it exactly. In retrospect I may have looked forward to turning 13, though considering my voice barely changed that birthday was a bust. I didn’t look forward to turning 16 as I had a nonexistent social life and nothing to do so a car wasn’t on my priority list, turning 18 wasn’t going to give me any more freedom than I had at 17, and I wasn’t planning on drinking so I wasn’t overly excited about turning 21. It just seems as though there’s nothing to look forward to anymore .

Here I am turning 25 and I’ve barely changed. I’m not nearly as shy I guess as I was when I was a teen but otherwise I’m pretty much the same person I’ve always been. I read that one typical thing that some experience at age 25 is becoming interested in things like HGTV and looking at homes for sale even though you can’t afford one except I started that at 23-24 lol. A guy can dream right? This is a time in your life where you weigh your accomplishments and goals. The thing is I never really had any goals and I don’t feel as if I have any accomplishments.

In the end I guess I simply feel old. I can be very mature yet I don’t act it unless I have to as I’m still young at heart. I still read teen/young adult fiction, enjoy scifi & fantasy movies more so than any other genre, and play video games all of which I’ve enjoyed since I was a teen. The truth is I have always physically felt a little old due to my health condition as it’s not like I could ever do summersaults,  so I guess I’m no different than I was a year ago :). What is is and what will be will be. 25 is no different than 24 except I have a new year of possibilities.

Windows 95 Maze

Windows 95 3D Maze Screensaver

Sorry Guys

I’m sorry for my latest bout of inactivity as my goal is to have more posts, compared to the past anyway. I just returned from a mini-vacation during which blogging wasn’t a priority and prior to that I’ve had some semi-writers block. I have two topics I’ve been inspired to write about, but I haven’t quite figured out how to put it in the right words. I also was inspired while on this vacation to write a poem but like a deam they can fade if you don’t record them quickly. I remember the subject, but I’ve got a feeling my re-creation won’t stand up to the original I dreamed up in the shower lol. At any rate I hope to be back to posting…something soon :).

Spitballing a Business Idea

I was born in the 90s, which means my formulative years were filled with the evolution of computers and the growth of the internet. For example I was close to age 6, if memory serves, when we got our first computer for my personal use. When I was a preteen/teen everyone had their own social networking page, which at the time was Myspace, and you just weren’t normal if you didn’t create your own Piczo website. I wonder how many people reading this will even recognize Piczo lol. Those were the days. Of course living in the rural south meant I was stuck with dialup, or so it seemed. As the years progressed others around me gained access to a form of dsl though till this day my home is just out of reach of dsl. In fact my having remotely reliable internet is only due to obtaining a aircard, which is a device that grants internet access via cell towers yet doesn’t have Wi-Fi capability like a hotspot, while the cell phone company still offered “unlimited” internet. Thankfully the plan is grandfathered in so I still have somewhat unlimited internet as they will throttle me at times, though if something happens to the device I will be in a real pickle.

R.I.P. Piczo
I wasn’t just born in the 90s but as I mentioned I was born in the rural south, which brings its own spin on things. I love the south, yet I was never the outdoorsy type. Besides the usual hunting & fishing there never seemed much to do. Looking back to when I was a teenager we didn’t seem to have hangout spots, even in the nearby towns. One town had a bowling alley and a very small theater, but other than that we were seriously lacking in entertainment venues. A few years back another nearby town opened a modern, 8 screen theater, which definitely helped though now at age 24 I still think my general area is lacking anything major to appeal to the youth. Obviously many enjoy going to the movies yet only so many interesting ones come out a month, leaving a lot of revenue some venue could gain if they appealed to a younger crowd. Of course when I was younger the lack of internet access in my tiny area caused me to consider that a business along the lines of an internet café might generate a good profit, yet since then the wider availability of dsl, smartphones, and the general atmosphere of the area made me reconsider. Honestly back when I thought of the idea it was more along the lines of wishing we had such a place rather than actually considering it a good investment for anyone. Of course I don’t have the money or business sense, yet considering myself vaguely creative I have thought about this lack of venue over the years causing me to consider the following:

  1. The main venues in the area primarily attract 18+, which seems to leave a gap in available income sources.  I don’t mean to say that the local business don’t attract younger customers as they do, but it appears as if most of their profits come from adult consumers, though they are generally the ones with the cash lol.
  2. Although mobile internet is highly used and various forms of high speed internet have become widely available, one cannot dispute the appeal some business have by offering free Wi-Fi. As such I think a business that offered reliable high speed internet to patrons would generate a fair amount of income, as long as they offered more than just internet. An internet café for instance is likely to turn a very small profit in this area and would likely have to offer more of a dining atmosphere to turn a true profit.
  3. Mobile gaming while ever popular in this age of smartphones has yet to kill other forms of gaming. I for instance enjoy gaming apps but also enjoy the tactile feel of a controller for hardcore gaming. In recent years there has even been a reported return to board games. It’s easy to see why many people get enjoyment out of gaming as it is a way to relax and temporarily escape the limits of their reality.

If one took the above concepts and found a way to mesh them, then they might create a popular business. Arcades for instance seem a bit outdated, yet still generate a fair income. Currently we really have no such establishments in the area, leaving an opening for a smart entrepreneur.

I’ve done a bit of research and gaming cafes can do well or fail depending on various factors. These cafes aren’t as popular in the U.S. and generally cater to PC gamers. In this age many enjoy console gaming as much if not more than PC gaming, causing me to think on this. I’ve done some research in this specific area and found very little on the concept of a business catering to console gamers. Of course this concept has pros and cons. Installations and software updates wouldn’t be as necessary nor would internet access be required for most console gaming, but if a business did offer online capabilities they could draw in those who have limited internet access at home. The business could either offer free online gaming such as with the Microsoft(Xbox)/Sony(PlayStation)console having pre-setup online accounts or could turn more of a profit by offering online access to customers by selling virtual currency cards so they could set-up their own accounts, though the personal accounts would be deleted off the console after the customer’s allotted time expires. With the concept of DLC one draw could be that the business could insure their consoles offered all of the DLC and bonus content, which the patrons otherwise might not be able to experience. The Nintendo consoles are generally less popular amongst teens and up yet if the business offered them along with arcade machines they could draw in the younger customers as well as more mature customers who simply enjoy that type of gaming.


  • Lower initial cost in terms of consoles vs high end gaming PCs.
  • Potentially lower software costs.
  • Popular titles which either only appear on console or tend to be more popular on consoles.
  • Game resale opportunities.


  • Potential difficulty in managing/renting access to consoles compared to PCs.
  • Increased home competition.
  • Higher maintenance costs.
  • Higher upgrade costs.

Of course with PC gaming still being popular one cannot ignore potential customers, so it would be best if the business could offer the best of all worlds. In other words the business could be sectioned off into 3 distinct areas. The first area could offer arcade style gaming for the younger customers or simply those who enjoy arcade machines. The second area could offer various gaming computers for the PC gamers with the third area devoted to console gaming. The console gaming area could be sectioned off in a way to separate the various consoles as each console offers certain exclusive game titles that you wouldn’t want to exclude as it could impact customer satisfaction. Considering the potential age ranges of the customers one might also section off areas to separate the more mature gaming, which wouldn’t be appropriate for young children, from the PG/PG-13 gaming. The business could also offer merchandise for sell and a visual example would be a store like GameStop combined with a arcade/gaming cafe. Merchandise that one could offer could be gaming magazines, guidebooks, digital currency cards for the various platforms and games, video games, consoles, snacks and drinks(Strict guidelines would need to be enforced in order to protect the electronics and/or a designated eating area would need to be provided for the customers.), and the business could rent out video games as well. The PCs could also be utilized for non-gaming activities such as research and just general use. Such a venture would be very expensive and I’m not sure if enough bandwidth exists on the planet to handle so much online gaming. You would also need a large amount of square footage to accommodate all of these concepts.

This long winded concept is just one I have had bobbing around in my head and felt I had to put on paper, though only a billionaire could risk their money on such an uncertain venture. This is definitely not a concept I will ever be in the position to try to make a reality nor am I certain I would if I had the money. The fact is if one examined this closely one would likely find more cons than pros, but it is an interesting idea that may already exist somewhere in the world. I am also not certain how one would define such a business as a term like gaming café doesn’t seem appropriate for some reason and to me a true cafe serves food they personally prepare rather than vending machines lol. Thanks for taking the time to read this long winded topic and perhaps it’ll spark an idea in someone else’s mind.

Update: Since crafting this post I have seen online references to existing console gaming cafes, which seem somewhat profitable though I am uncertain of the specifics as to how these business are run.

Goodbye to 2014

Paraphrasing Solomon’s statements in Ecclesiastes to everything there is a time & season, though I understand that in this age we mortals often see atrocities seemingly lacking rhyme or reason.

Things like famine & war seem to ever last, not just in the present but all throughout humanities past.

In 2014 diseases, such as Ebola, rapidly spread in most cases leaving behind very little beyond the dead.

As with every year it seems many soldiers & civilians have paid the highest cost, and lives aboard three planes were tragically lost.

The first plane simply vanished from sight bringing with that disaster much sorrow and plight.

Deaths of much loved celebrities like Robin Williams also come to mind, though the death of Flappy Bird was one I did not mind.

The riots and loss of life in cities like Ferguson, MO have me worried about what we have yet to see.

Normally I would hope 2015 would be a better year, but my optimism is low with all this violence & fear.

I’m worried things will get worse before they get better, as in the future there are many tribulations left to weather.

I hope my concerns are without merit and we all have a Happy New Year, but I cannot ignore my instincts though they are born mostly out of fear. 

I have become a bit jaded by the tragedies in our past and I feel that no calm can truly last. It seems as if a storm has begun and I doubt in this opinion I am the only one. Soon we shall see what will and will not be.

Finally this poem was my first in some time, so I hope my critics give me credit I was able to make it rhyme.
